I’m Relocating And Need To Sell My House In Maricopa

Moving is a challenging test of coordination. Every week, local Maricopa home sellers contact us by phone or enter the information about their property on this website and say, "I'm moving and need to sell my house in Maricopa." The wonderful news is that we are able to assist a lot of those sellers in selling their homes quickly (since we are currently actively buying houses in Maricopa, Arizona)! Aside from the stress of moving itself, there are an absurd number of details to remember. The actual necessity to relocate always involves a significant shift, whether it is a new job or a sick relative.


So how do you make the most of a difficult situation?


Don’t agonize — organize.

You don't want to be stuck paying to buy and keep a vacant house for two years. But it doesn't have to be so expensive. Maricopa's market is now very calm, but anything could change at any time. We've heard some pretty terrible stories over the past few decades. Unless you are obscenely wealthy, you probably can't afford to wait it out. So how can you make a sensible decision when you need to sell your Maricopa, Arizona, house soon since you're moving?

Relocating and needing to sell my house fast in Maricopa… Your Options And Steps


  • Find out what your house is worth: If you need help with this, get in touch with us or a reputable real estate agent. We would be pleased to provide you a free, no-obligation appraisal of your property. Once you know what the house might be able to sell for in the current market, the basis for deciding how long you might or might not be able or willing to sell the house is established.
  • Decide how fast you need to sell your house after you relocate: It's a major issue. Professionals who relocated for work have put their homes on the market for longer than a year before selling them for significantly less money than they had intended. Determine how quickly you need to sell your home and how long you're willing to continue paying your insurance, mortgage, and other expenses.
  • Find a solid real estate agent BEFORE you start packing boxes: Start the process as soon as possible to avoid wasting time. You lose money for each month that the house remains on the market or that you delay to sell it. We are a respectable local house buyer and would love to make you a fast-fair all cash offer if you don't want to utilize a real estate agent to sell your home.
  • Calculate the value of selling your house fast vs. "waiting it out" for a dream price: All of us want to get the highest price when we sell our homes. However, a common mistake is failing to calculate the cost of maintaining this house in dollars. The costs involved are the mortgage (which, if you're still paying down your mortgage in its first ten years, is mostly interest and barely any principal), insurance, taxes, upkeep, etc. Say you want to ask $200,000 for your home. your monthly mortgage payment is $1,200, your taxes are $200, your insurance is $100, and your upkeep (mowing the yard, fixing things while you're away, etc.) is $100. The total amount of these "non equity building" costs is $1,600 each month. If it takes you 7 months to sell that house for $200,000 via a real estate agent, you would have paid $11,200 in DIRECT "holding expenses" in addition to $12,000 in real estate agency commissions (assuming 3% for the buyer's agent and 3% for the seller's agent). a loss of $23,200 in total. That doesn't even take into consideration the value of your time, the stress you had while the home was up for sale, the lost opportunity cost of the things you could have done with the extra cash during those seven months, etc. Therefore, the actual price to you was probably closer to $30,000. But what if you sold your home the next week and avoided all of that? Selling the house now to a home buyer like our company at a discount rather than seven months from now at full price, even if you sold for a discount below the retail price (let's say... $175,000), puts you ahead of the game (and paying holding costs and real estate agent fees). Is that clear?
  • Take action!: Whatever you decide, make a choice and act on it. Great if you decide to work with a real estate agent! Find a trustworthy Maricopa, Arizona, real estate agent. Selling your home to us can be an alternative if you'd rather not wait and avoid paying real estate agent commissions.

If you have a truly beautiful property and a lot of time on your side, you might want to test the market by pricing it high. There is a slight possibility that someone will fall in love and be willing to overpay — people will do insane things for love.

In actuality, most properties are very typical. In the same way that neighbors frequently share similar interests, they frequently resemble the other nearby residences. Therefore, setting your price at the highest point won't result in you making the most money in the market unless your property is actually extraordinary, as in magazine-quality extra-special.

You can also benefit from simultaneously renting and selling your property in order to observe which one generates more interest. Even seasoned real estate brokers can become confused when you have to maintain control of the process. In some circumstances, we might work with property owners to arrange lease option contracts that allow highly qualified buyers to rent the home for a predetermined period before buying.

In other situations, we might assist with loan renegotiation, monthly payment assistance, or short sale negotiations with a bank.


We love helping people solve complicated problems.


Creative solutions can bridge the gap to get you where you need to be.


Who is Kevin Buys Houses And How Can We Help You If You’re Relocating And Need To Sell in Maricopa?

As investors, we. By purchasing homes from Maricopa homeowners who have to sell quickly for a variety of reasons, we help our families and improve our communities.


People who tend to work with us as sellers include those who...


  • Must sell now (we can close in as little as 7 days if you need us to)
  • Don't want the inconvenience of using an agent to advertise a property
  • Reluctance to pay real estate agent commissions
  • Unable to sell their home for a variety of reasons (we buy houses in as-is condition)
  • … or a variety of other reasons


But we’re passionate people, and we believe in the Maricopa community.


We’re honest and straightforward.


We can close quickly with cash and will give you a reasonable price quote.


You can oversee the sale of your property remotely if you're willing to wait and have the money to employ support. In some cases, taking that risk might be profitable.

Please feel free to call us at 480-650-2709 and chat with us at any time if you have any queries about Maricopa real estate. We'd be pleased to assist you in finding solutions.

Get More Info On Options To Sell Your Home...

Selling a property in today's market can be confusing. Connect with us or submit your
info below and we'll help guide you through your options.

What Do You Have To Lose? Get Started Now...

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property or call 480-650-2709...